Why I Won't Vote Noynoy
This democratic process, or so-called “election”, has long been tainted with deceit and disgustingly blatant lies that seemingly swindled the voice of God—Vox Populi, Vox Dei (The voice of the people is the voice of God). A scandal that rocked the very foundation of the republic, removing whatever guise of austerity left in casting votes.
At that time, with discord and habitual protests, it felt like an indefinite strength was amassing, and the Philippines would be known once more as a country asserting liberation from underhanded oppression of rights. But it didn’t, the gathering fire was doused. Anger, borne from distrust, turned dormant, domesticated. Nausea, borne from ingeniously rumored corruption, turned to insignificant burps, minute disorganized rallies easily dissolved by hose water.
Doubt in the system leads to decay, eventual sickening tolerance and acceptance of the unacceptable—as if we’ve started swallowing the bitter truth, our tongues silenced by fear of being included in the list of people never heard from again, our stomachs immaculately ablated, hampering our chance to vomit in disgust, and our eyes dried out, no more tears to shed for impoverished countrymen.
Moreover, who should I vote?
President-wannabes seem to have the audacity to showcase the contents of their pockets with time-consuming advertisements, unafraid of audit, they splash their resumés across TV screens. Just this year, the ratings of political and government ads combined could seemingly trump the ratings of the two titan TV stations. Miriam Defensor was right in taunting these undeniable attempts to hoard votes. It’s amazing how financially problematic the country would appear, but still capable of churning out costly dismal promotions.
Perhaps the new Richard Gutierrez or Gerald Anderson would be the face and owner of a premature presidential ad campaign—without the desirability of the two actors’ physical features.
And here comes Noynoy Aquino, an instant political celebrity from the death of his mother, icon of democracy, Cory Aquino. This brings the Philippines in a state of déjà vu, and this clamor for another Aquino president may have been brought by Filipinos’ love of melodrama or ‘ala-telenovela’ storyline.
Cory’s ascension to power was brought by a controversial and political death of his husband and supposed-to-be president Ninoy Aquino. Noynoy Aquino on the other hand was found by the spotlight due to the innocent death of her mother Cory Aquino. Ninoy’s death called Filipinos to unite for democracy, Cory’s burial reminded Filipinos of what was achieved by unity and the democracy she fought for. Cory ran under the LABAN party opposing Marcos, under the Liberal Party, Noynoy is the current torch-bearer of the Liberal Party. And Cory fought an operational dictatorial government, while Noynoy would run to repair a malfunctioning democratic system.
But why not Noynoy?
I won’t vote for Noynoy just because he’s the son of Cory and Ninoy Aquino, his blood may have the genetics to fight for democracy but it won’t suffice the brim of reason to bring him to Malacañang. I won’t vote for him just because of his track record as a congressman and senator, the president’s job is different—on so many levels. I won’t vote for him just because he appears to be a reluctant candidate, also exhibited by Cory before. I certainly won’t vote for him just because Mar Roxas made a “supreme sacrifice” and passed the chance to run for president. I won’t vote for him just because everyone else is asking, requesting for him to run. And I certainly won’t vote for Noynoy for the sole reason that, the most revered Cory Aquino, died—ultimately reminding us about a hard-earned democracy. For this, I would exercise my right to vote no matter how dubious the election is.
I would vote Noynoy, because among the surfacing presidential candidates, only Noynoy Aquino has the capacity to reunite, the divided and subdivided, Filipinos.
What the country needs now is not an economist, not a journalist, not a soldier, not even a housewife, nor a dancing politician, certainly not an actor, and most certainly not a dictator, but a president—a president who can effortlessly rally Filipinos towards a united goal.
That’s why I will vote Noynoy.
photo courtesy www.wowdavao.com
Hello Sir..Nice blog u got here..and a good point about noynoy too..can I retweet this?:)Thanks..
Thanks for visiting! And sure go ahead! ^_^
Nice article. I hope you don't mind me linking to this in my blog at:
Thanks! And thanks for linking it as well!
may i ask what exactly is your basis for saying that of all the candidates noynoy would be the one to unite the people? how exactly will he do that? the mere fact that many people don’t like him as a candidate is already a telltale sign that he can’t possibly unite everyone.
that’s the problem with most candidates and their handlers. they always exaggerate.
the simple fact is no candidate can ever unite everyone. the best they can do is to govern our country the best they could and that is what we need to check not this “unite”
“unite” mumbo jumbo. this is not the movies this is real life.
so how can you check if noynoy or any candidate has what it takes to govern well? ask for their platforms and check out their plans. it’s that simple.
as you stated no one could unite everyone, but the thing is among all candidates he has the larger chance of acquiring the vote of the majority with a huge percentage attributed to the death of his mother. And I also agree with you that platforms and plans should be checked, I didn't say that we should not take that into account.
i think what you're referring to is winnability. correct?
if yes, i don't think you should even look at that unless of course if you're part of his campaign machinery. as voters, we need only choose on the basis of what the candidates have to offer in terms of plans. winnability is nothing more than a measure of popularity. it's not an indicator of any future performance.
it would be sad if let's say noynoy suddenly becomes less winnable and gets passed over by voters on that basis alone. that would really be sad especially if he manages to come out with really great plans for the country (specific and conrete plans of course not mere motherhood statements).
but as i said good for you if you think he is the one.
hmm.. That's one way of looking at it, and I agree that it's a wrong way of looking or taking a vote into account. But how I see it aside from winnability, is his influence as an Aquino over the existing parties and other political figures who may not vote for him but may find themselves under his wing. I may be riding the bandwagon, which is true, but if more people would rally behind him--the more political entities would give him support for both the integral or honest and even underhanded reasons, which in any case, would still benefit his rule one way or another. But thanks for making that point. ^_^
i hope you don't mind but here's an interesting read.
Hi! Tumaas balahibo ko nung nabasa ko blog mo. and i read it thrice ha! Galing! I linked your blog on my tumblr. :D
Thanks! Hope you also consider the current events, voting is not final until the 2010 Election. thanks for visiting and linking.
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