Point of Exhaustion
There comes a time when you’re tired of trying to explain your side over and over again, especially when you know that you’re on the right track while people see that you as evil. The first thing that I assure before explaining myself is that I am talking to people who are open-minded. Stubborn, shallow or closed minded persons are useless, and pointless, to talk to. They can only see from their own perspective and will fail to incorporate your vision despite what reality served.
Here’s the thing, no decision is done haphazardly. For people who decides based on gut feeling and ‘heart’ those are un-sound judgments. First of all, the heart is a muscle. It is an organ that pumps blood. Logically, use your brain to address any situation. No matter how personal or involved you are, for you to decide objectively, you should see clearly.
Emotional decisions are derived from immature and childish thought process. Often, decisions resulting based on mood are biased and is aimed for the benefit of the limited few. People who makes subjective decision-making, or drives with overly personal fuel, are those who fail to see the bigger picture, a better understanding of such occurrence or the definition of a scenario.
Let’s just say that I’m through explaining myself to such people. I cannot waste my time again. I will only explain myself one last time and that’s it. I’m through. It’s not my responsibility to open the minds of immature thinking and shallow judgment.
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