Top Ten Funny Behavior in Facebook (of Pinoys) part 2
By Edge and Larra
If you don’t have a Facebook (FB) account then you are a) living under a rock, b) at an advanced age, c) stuck in the Friendster era, or worse, d) dead. You would probably know someone, or have committed these funny acts in FB yourself, writers not exempted (We are as guilty as everyone is). This article is not accurate, so don’t berate us with statistics because we didn’t even bother with the word (Not to mention the college subject necessary for our theses!). Anyway here’s our top ten funny behavior of (Pinoy) Facebook users (based on fabricated statistics of how many people do it):
Please note: If you find yourself among these, it doen’t mean you have to change, but if you’re a real nuisance, then please do. Haha! Peace! ^^
The Top 5
Top 5. The ‘Social activist’ (Superliker)
The act of liking or joining each and every group that pops up. Despite not having a serious purpose aside from laughing at the idea of the group’s existence, these ‘activists’ still continue to join groups that would last for about a week, give or take, then dwindle into oblivion. And getting in on a funny trend is as easy as a click away, this act becomes addictive. If you have a Social activist friend, which I’m sure you do, or you’re one yourself, then they, or you, may also want to start a new online group support, Clickaholics Anonymous.
The act of playing every other game that Facebook offers, from the most popular Farmville to the mini-games in existence. If only FB digital money, like the zenies of Ragnarok Online and other serious MMORPGs, are convertible to cash, or channel the time spent playing to a more productive activity, the Facebook Varsity would be well-off. Though the causative factor of this behavior is to relieve stress, they end up more stressed by getting more digital money or improving their stats or levels in their respective games (I know this first-hand, back in RO’s beta days in Chaos). This is when they send lesser or non-players endlessly annoying invites.
Top 3 The ‘Evil Tagger’ (‘Ganda/Gwapo mo kasi sa pic ‘eh)
The act of tagging someone in a photo where he or she looks like living hell while the tagger’s shot is heaven-sent. The motivation of the tagger is one of pure evil. Don’t you just hate it when your most hideous form, or your highest level of atrocity (if you’re not always monstrous) somehow makes its way to be displayed publicly for the entertainment of netizens here and abroad?
The worst evil tagger you could find would be one of the closest persons in your life. Your parents are not excluded. Those who have access to your humiliating childhood pictures and have the ability to scan and upload them can destroy your online life. Those who are blessed with a fast-hand with a ready digicam during nights out gains leverage over you. Stop thinking about paparazzis or the Pinoy TMZ because you’re not a celebrity; but think friends, close friends, and best friends.
But seriously, these embarrassing photos can deter potential employers if you do not act fast to untag yourself. Facebook is the fastest and convenient way for recruiters to know more about their applicants. Evil-taggers should know that this act has serious repercussions. It’s a matter of making your profile or album private, but not to the point of nonexistence.
Another known behavior of this creature, is tagging you in a photo where you’re not there at all. The purpose is either to sell you something or torture you for missing a very happy event.
Everyone is a target for the evil-tagger and anyone can be an evil-tagger.
Top 2. The Wall Poster (‘di ko gets?!?)
The act of irrational conversation on a certain wall post instead of opening a chatroom. Though it is easier and more convenient to chat, or open a conference if there are more than two chatters, the Wall Poster tends to publicize the exchange by commenting, extensively. This is a widely popular behavior for FB users.
In the defense of Wall Posters, being wall posters ourselves, commenting on wall posts compared to a chatroom proves to have longer shelf life. At any time the exchange can be easily revived with just another comment.
The annoying but also funny version is finding a certain wall post as a coffee shop by friends who’re catching up, using your wall post as chatroom while discussing something completely unrelated.
Top 1. Your status, your like, your comment.
Enough Said. (eh ‘yung iPPM ka para magpalike ng status?!)
Eh tinamaan ako sa number 2. :)))
Pero may kilala akong #1. Kuwawa naman. Wala yatang friends? Peace!
eh may kilala akong number 1.. Haha! ^^
Top 2 and 3 naman ako guilty ^^
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