I have friends who send quotes daily, or rather hourly, with the usual dose of jokes and greetings. Whenever the message starts glumly, in an uncommon manner, and blatantly unimportant I tend to just mark them as read and not even bother opening them at all. I’m irritated with such texts. Well I do read a few but only if I feel like replying to them.
I’m not a “cellphone” person. Gems, one of my duty group mates, noticed this when we were having our make-up duty at FEU hospital. She noticed that I just checked if I had received any messages. I read them and then pocketed my phone. I really am lazy in responding to messages. Unless it’s imperative or urgent I’d just shun the text but I never delete any messages except, of course, my inbox is full.
What I can’t figure out, however frequent text messages are, is when you really need them to reply—and they don’t. It’s hard to understand how you need to include “Reply ASAP” when you text them and you need an answer at once. There are of course a few people who are really smart. These people are very few. They are reliable despite the lack of symbols of urgency in your message. What I mean with symbols are capitalized letters, question marks with exclamation points. When I text them they understand what I’m asking. A few of them know me for being lazy in texting which makes them aware that I won’t send a message unless it’s important.
Some people who don’t know me that well but still manage to reply instantly are those who are aware of their to-do-list. They know that they’re the only ones capable of addressing such things that they provide answers in a snap.
It just pains me to think why people tend to have a difficulty in replying to important matters when they have the capability to be “emo” for everyone to know during needless times. I’m not against it because it serves as a gauge of how my friends are doing. I’m not an insensitive jerk who doesn’t know how to ride the social wave. I dig it. I get it when people feel sending quotes and jokes because I’ve been there before. But people need to be informed when they ask something, especially if it’s your responsibility.
Summer is like an open season for group messages since more free time means more GMs. Oh yeah I’m complaining. It’s not that I want to be disconnected, though I’d wish I was occasionally, It’d just be a relief if they could be as persevere when something crucial comes up.
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